
Egyptian Culture. What's really wrong about Egyptians!!

Good Morning Everyone, I know that this topic might have been discussed hundreds of times before by lots of people. Still, i'm just having an open discussion with you all. What's wrong with our culture and why don't we change what's wrong with ourselves. Simple things happen and one starts to wonder " what the hell are those people doing?". Egyptians start to criticize almost any and everything they see and claim that Egypt used to be much better back in time as if Egypt differs from 1950 to 2009. Yes, It actually differs but it is all about people who live and behave. you can simply find Egyptians doing the mistakes and criticizing other people for doing the same mistakes they do in streets, work, home...etc. I have faced a similar situation around 2 weeks ago as I was discussing something with a co-workers and he started to claim that he does not like the work culture in the place and that he would resign. A few days later, He started to criticize other employees who filed their resignations wondering why they are willing to leave. Think with me, that's a simple situation that I faced in my daily life, how about the big Picture in Egypt and Phenomenon overwhelming us everywhere........What do you think???


احسبها صح ....تعيشها صح!! هوة الكلام دة صح

I am actually not a fan of TV whether in Ramdan or not as I have other activities consuming my time such as reading and internet research. Still, In Ramadan, we all try to watch TV as it play a role of gathering all family members and gives this warm feeling that we need to feel during this holy month. Still, I guess I was mistaken watching TV as I have seen an AD Compaign with the name: احسبها صح ....تعيشها صح

Campaign is really illogical , very trivial and very amature. While all countires worldwide promote and support their citizens to live a wonderful like according to their financial income and giving them clear concise lesson with detailed studies and scientific appraoch, We Find MAHMOUD EL Gendy talking about someone who went to buy only a tablet of her medcine as a SMART PERSON THAT حسبتها صح و عشان كدة عاشتها صح

What do you think ???
اقولكم بصراحه انا خايف احسبها صح اتحول للبخيل و انا طبقا للتليفزيون المصرى


Happy Ramadan

Happy Ramadan!!

Here comes Ramadan with its holy atmosphere, calm nature and desirable religious environment. All people wait for this month from year to year hoping that Allah would forgive them for all their deeds, sin and mistakes. I guess that Ramadan should be only the begining of having this atomsphree all the time as we can sustain to fear Allah and do good deeds during entire year , not only in Ramadan.

One of the funniest things is that we have acquired almost all of Ramadan tradition like (Fanos, Konafa, Kataeef ...etc) from Fatimeen Age when they ruled Egypt. Purpose of Ramadan fasting is that all people should have same feeling poor people having to motivate rich people to help poor ones. But, what happens in Egypt is like a sarcam, Egypt spends more than $ 35 Billion during Ramadan only on F&B ( Food & Beverage).... IMAGINE

Oh, allah, please forgive me and the whole entire moslem world for our mistakes. Amen!!


One of the poems I wrote for my dead father

Hard to explain

It’s hard for me to explain my anguish, fear and pain
To see my life going in vain
There were such memorable moments in my life
Wishing my dad was alive

Kidding, joking and caring for me till death
But I am feeling wrath
I’m left alone in life to survive
hoping my beloved ones were alive

Again and again, it is hard to explain my anguish, fear and pain
Within no excuse why beautiful things in life never sustain

An Interesting Poem written by me in 2008


Through my life, I have been searching for love, passion and care while in life it is rare.
When I am down, I need unconditional love having no explain to why, when and where?
I need a love that can sustain whether I am here or away
But life never let love forever stay.
My heart gets hurt to see how humanity begins to be
Hatred, conquest and killing for no reason
As if killing each other controlled by a devilish demon.

Now, I realize my urgent need for love.
But finding it is tough.
Every time I try to find somebody to love and care, I find her going away.
And my heart splits astray.
Every one is going away and I do not know what to say.

So, I need to know what to do now.
I need somebody to tell me how.
I feel great pressure on me
finding nothing beautiful to see.

Oh, I need love and I know finding it is tough.
Oh, I need only care and feel it is enough.
But none is available.
Yes, life is tough.

Lonliness or False Friendship... Which is Better

Lonliness or False Friendship, which is better!! weird & confusing question. Let me tell you a short story about myself to better understand this topic. During my childhood, I was one of those people who would not get to know lots of friends as I was a kind of introvent person. By time, that changed somehow and I started making friendships with lots of poeple, peers and colleagues thinking that i am on the right track. I was initially shocked with a friend attitude around 8 yrs ago when I was actually hurts psychologically & physically cuz of him. Still, i decided to be more optimistic and convinced myself that not all people are like him and that they're good people out there; it's just i need to find them. Clearly, I was mistaken in my approach for the 2nd time in row. I made one of the friendships with a close friends and thought of it as unbreakble one. Amazingly, It turned out that I was not correct as I was being alienated and isolated from him for no clear reason.

Situation itself was not as effective as my disappointment was as I lost my belief in the person. As for me at the present time, I would go for lonliness as an option for now to have some peace of mind. THEN, IF I DECIDE TO MAKE FRIENDSHIP, THAT WOULD BE A LONG PROCESS OF TESTS ADN CHOICES.....

Do you agree that Lonliness is the right option in this world of no friendship and uncertainity. Please share your thouhgt and ideas with me.... May Be one of you have an answer for my questions!!!!!!!


People, Weird & Strange..... No thing we do can seem to satisfy them!!!

We all seem to think of people all the time, what they will think of us if we do this, what will people say if we do that... sometimes unconsciously, we do what people will seem to like seeing us do. but again, people do not agree.
One day, I remember I was determined to do whatever pleases all those around me regardless what I am doing actaully makes me happy or not. I followed this way for around a month. Outcome of all this was nothing but feeling of depression. I actually felt It was not me acting. that was someone else.
What really amazed me recongnizing and watching people, friends, colleagues around me is their intensive interest in what people would think of them. A very simple example of our egyptian daily life some words like
  1. Do you think people would like my dress?
  2. How would my friends and colleagues respond to my new style
  3. Even the simplest things, we can not overcome People!!

I am not really sure if am right or wrong on this issue. but as far as it is related to me, I always follow my guts, mind and religion in what's right and what's wrong. I do not care about what people would say too much as some people just like to criticize for the sake of it and others do not like the person

Just like Tom Blandi said" Our attitudes control our lives. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force

This definitely doesn't mean that we ignore people; we just need to identify those whom we consider friends to trust. What Do you think Friends!!!!!!