
Egyptian Culture. What's really wrong about Egyptians!!

Good Morning Everyone, I know that this topic might have been discussed hundreds of times before by lots of people. Still, i'm just having an open discussion with you all. What's wrong with our culture and why don't we change what's wrong with ourselves. Simple things happen and one starts to wonder " what the hell are those people doing?". Egyptians start to criticize almost any and everything they see and claim that Egypt used to be much better back in time as if Egypt differs from 1950 to 2009. Yes, It actually differs but it is all about people who live and behave. you can simply find Egyptians doing the mistakes and criticizing other people for doing the same mistakes they do in streets, work, home...etc. I have faced a similar situation around 2 weeks ago as I was discussing something with a co-workers and he started to claim that he does not like the work culture in the place and that he would resign. A few days later, He started to criticize other employees who filed their resignations wondering why they are willing to leave. Think with me, that's a simple situation that I faced in my daily life, how about the big Picture in Egypt and Phenomenon overwhelming us everywhere........What do you think???


Mohaly said...

I think there is a general whinnying attitude part of it has to do with dissatisfaction and part of it has to do with the inability to express disagreement or asking for rights.

There too many people be3oko fel za7ma!

Moe Emam said...

This is a bad behaviour of Egyptians, they usually criticize each other and forget to fix themselves. Below is a quotation for Egyptians:

لا تشغل نفسك بعيوب الآخرين وتنسى عيوبك